Monday, November 14, 2011

2 years later...

It's been two years since I've blogged on Eblogger. I've tried maintaining an events blog on tumblr but that's gone down the hole as well haha I guess I'm not the kind of person to reflect on the past much....I find it really slows me down. I used to be quite the dreamer about my aspirations for the future however over the past two years, reality has truly hit me fast and hard, right in the face, I might add, so much so that I feel as if I don't have the time nor luxury to think too far into the future. I guess I'm the 'live in the present' kind of gal now.

The past two years of being a cadet at UBS has really changed my outlook on life as well as my expectations of life...I'm ashamed and pained to acknowledge that I have been drifting further and further away from God and hence my existence has kind of become a bit meaningless. How can I have meaning in life if all I dain to do is to be, think and believe in the present.

Again...I've started writing in this blog JUST before my exams are over and just before I head overseas on a much deserved holiday. I've got my finance one coming up on Wednesday but the weather these days has been so stifling hot that all the body wants to do is to murder the mind and eat some icecream!

PS: Even though iI constantly preach the need for icecream in the journey to overcome stress...I'm not much of a fan of icecream and rarely eat it! AH I'm such a pot calling the kettle black :(

Anyway, I'll just stop myself from continuing this meaningless banter.

All the best,

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blogger deleted my old blog..sniff

Hi all! I used to have a blog called White Light but for some reason I can't access it! Maybe it's because I haven't used it since 2005 ><

Anyway, I'm nearing the end of my HSC exams with just two more to go & it's just so exciting thinking about the prospect of what's going to happen in the future. Taking another step into uni life seems extremely daunting but I'm sure it'll also be a rewarding experience. Sometimes I wonder why everyone's so academically orientated and that if i just stood back and observed for a while...not participating...not stressing...would everything still be alright? I must sound awfully sad at the moment.
I can't wait for next year when I'll be cadeting at UBS! Although I'm supposed to be working full-time whilst studying part-time at uni, I want to do a combined degree so I have no option but to go to UTS (which offers night classes - yay!) and do full-time studying whilst full-time working. mannn it's going to be tough but I'm pumped!!

Before all that happens though, I'll be off to Shanghai on the 20th of Feb and will be visiting Japan from the 23rd-30th November and then will be back in Shanghai up till 13th December which is my mum's birthday. I hope DBSK will be in either Japan or Shanghai when I get there and if they are, I'll try and get a ticktet to their concert. I know they're in Shanghai at the moment and will be in Japan late December early January..but I won't be there *sniff*
Well i can still cheer them on from here: 東方神起 fighting!

I can't wait to watch 下一站幸福! But it's still airing and I can't stand cliff hangers so I'm going to wait till it all finishes airing and comes onto DVD! and also Heading to the Grounds..yayy 사랑해윤호오빠!! 

Lastly, I just wanna praise God for getting me through these hard times. I know that there are so many students out there who are struggling to keep cool under all the stress and just waiting and hoping for the HSC to be over is tiring enough. And yeh, i don't think i wouldv made it so far without trusting in God and his gracious love towards me has really driven me and reminded me to keep 加油 especially through this week which was jam packed with exams!!

I've been praying alot that this would be a good opportunity for us Christians to support and encourage each other in our walks of faith and that personally, our bond with Christ would be strengthened and that others who may not know Jesus may have the opportunity to get to know Him and that although we're all in exam mode atm, we'd still remember that our purpose is to glorify his name and that a great way we can do this is by evangelising and boasting about our Lord!

Okies, dinner time!